Friday, March 20, 2009


He has the world right where he wants its...why would he leave??? Well I heard that he said the music industry is like high school. So I could see why he wouldnt want to be involved...but i think he should smack the music industry, bend it ova in give it the good ass taggin it needs. lol Although I gota say, I dont know what he has one is going to say sumthing jus because. Kid Cudi is amazing and I dont want him to go. As a Nobdy i want to see where his career is going to go. I feel like it can go no other way but up but maybe he feels diffrent. IDK but im a supporter no matter what. Cudi makes me feel like its okay to be me and thats a feeling only 1 other band has given me. Songs like "Embrace the Martian" and "Dat New New" are jus two of his songs that tell his story and make people feel like its okay to be diffrent. He seems real and if his realism is what he is afraid of losing then I support him 100%. I hate seeing artist that have changed...its like they lose a little bit of themselves, and i hate it the most when their music is affected! I wouldnt want this to happen to Cudi but wheather he likes it or not, hes prob already changed and some times change is good. I feel like if ppl cant support you 100% all the time...FORGET THEM....they prob werent riders anyway! I have faith that Cudi will make the right decision! But ive got to say it anyway...Cudi please dont GO!

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